Strawberry Cheesecake

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There’s something about having this Classic Strawberry Cheesecake on Christmas that we love. Maybe it’s the colors, maybe because it makes us think of Juniors Cheesecake, New York City’s infamous cheesecake restaurant. Either way, it was delicious!

There are so many recipes out there for the base for cheesecake. Over the years, I’ve experimented with so many. Some say add flour or cornstarch to the batter, some say use all sour cream. There are so many variations!

A few years ago, I finally found one that I love. It is creamy and delicious! I found it on Alrecipes and I’m so glad I did. It’s called the Master Recipe for Rich and Creamy Cheesecake. Perfection!

Blend cream cheese with sugar, eggs, vanilla, sour cream and heavy cream. Pour the batter into springform pan with a crust made with crushed graham crackers, sugar and melted butter. And bake in a water bath.

The recipe says to bake for 40 minutes, then turn off the oven, crack open the door and let the cheesecake cool in the oven. I’ve had better success letting it bake for about an hour first before the cool down. The middle of my cake settled better this way.

Refrigerate it overnight. Then before serving, top with whole strawberries with the stems removed, and with Marie’s Strawberry Glaze poured on top. De-li-cious!

This is definitely the best Strawberry Cheesecake ever. And get the full recipe for the Master Recipe for Rich and Creamy Cheesecake here!